I've been working hard with my exercising, and I walk a little bit with the rollator every day. I also stand on a vibration plate. I'm up to 7 minutes per session now. Before HSCT, my record was 3 minutes on a good day. I'm definitely gaining strength. The most profound improvement is with my bladder, I used to get up 5 to 7 times per night. Now I only get up 1 to 2 times. So I'm getting better quality sleep. And fewer bathrooms trips during the day is nice, too. I no longer need a nap every day... only on days when I'm extra active.
My blood work is back to normal, so I can start getting out and about more. I just need to use common sense and stay away from sick people. I will be cleared to swim after June 13th in our own pool... no public pools for a year. I'm excited to exercise in the pool, because I can work on balance without the fear of falling. I hope to see more improvements in the future. That's all for now.
Thank you again for all the support and prayers that got me to Mexico. Dave and I will be eternally grateful.